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Know about history of Neurosurgery treatment in Turkey


Know about history of Neurosurgery treatment in Turkey

The course of action

The history of the neurosurgical practices might have been brief, when compared to some of the other medical procedures. Throughout recent excavations in Turkey, around 30skulls were discovered, those underwent surgical processes known as Trepanation. In case of Neurosurgery treatment, it is quite difficult for telling that whether the courses of actions were performed because of medical reasons or any other issues. The modern face of neurosurgery started in the late 20th century. In the year 1949, a prominent person from the field of medical science started the very first clinic along with specialization program in the field of neurosurgery. In the later years, another important face from the field of medical discipline received education from a prestigious institution; established the first clinic for Neurosurgery in Turkey. Many years later, a trained doctor from foreign university established the first clinic for neurological treatment in the Capa School for medical.

The field of medicine has evolved

Soon, several establishments in the form of neurological clinics happened in the Hacetepe University in the 60s. The Neurosurgery treatment spread and sprung all across the Anatolia. Some of the notable names from the field of medicines were the trailblazers in founding the very first TNS or Turkish Neurological Society. First Neurosurgery Congress was planned to hold in the year 1971, however, due to various reasons there were limitations and it couldn’t be carried out as planned. The modern face of neurosurgery started in the late 20th century. The Turkish Neurological Society kept going, in the times of several socio political issues. TNS is seen as one of the best organized societies in the land of Turkey. The organization has so far conducted around 30National Congresses, also countless courses as well as hands on work-shops.

Reflecting on the modernity

The TNS arranges annual national congresses in the month of April. In general, the National Neurosurgery Congresses are organized in Antalya, with footfall of around 1400 participants. Additionally, the Neurosurgery treatment. Neurosurgery in Turkey is designed for the local as well as international patients. The doctors are highly trained and skilled in the key areas, such as, Tumor, Vascular Neurosurgery, Neuro-trauma functional surgery, and lastly Spine Peripheral. The evolving of the Turkish Neurosurgery might reflect deep inherited traditions towards innovation, also development. Several environmental factors also play a crucial role in hampering the neurological functions in the body. People nowadays start having several nerve related issues at early stage in their life. The patients should consult proper experts for the health issues. The Health Services Turkey provides some of the best services when it comes to health tourism. Patients are welcomed from around the world for visiting and getting treated for diseases.


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